Thursday, November 27, 2008


The breadth and depth there is to learn

The lessons if I am close to the ground

The memories to honor

The birth of a good friend’s baby

The same joy

The cards to send and details

The world on the evening news

The inner-city teens over for a bonfire

The life of a suburban friend’s teen

The pain of a young, pregnant girl

The fear of the boyfriend as she cuts herself

The words I try to speak of God and healing

The tears

The projects I mean to finish

The friend I don’t really know anymore

The dreams dangling out there

The walks to take

The movie I wish I’d never watched

All the art I want to take in

The desire to do work well

The work I leave undone

The music that makes me cry

The spring plantings

The days I have no energy, just guilt

The poetry I ignore

The house never quite finished

The present never quite “there”

The growing old and together

The mysteries of heaven and eden

The plaguing want to know

The skin I would like to molt out of

The life that never fits into the hours

All the things

1 comment:

troutbirder said...

Following German Shepherd interests I wandered in here. I particularily enjoyed you take on nature. In its own way they reminded me of Sigurd Olsons books.