Evidently they don't prefer the fancy- shmancy boxes we and some friends of Prairie Pond Woods decorated so they could have very fashionable living spaces. Oh well, I'm just grateful they are back and visitors can enjoy watching them build their nest, as well as CONTINUALLY feed their offspring.
We truly do owe a debt of gratitude to the many songbirds that migrate up to the US to spend the spring and summers here. Last year, I watched both male and female bluebirds spend from 7 am until about 7 pm doing nothing but feeding their babies caterpillars, spiders and any other bug they could capture.
I'm talking one parent about every 3-5 minutes bringing back bugs that would otherwise have made it into your house, garden or outdoor table setting! We would live surrounded by a sea of bugs (also known as a pestilence) if not for the Divinely appointed diligence of our feathered friends each season.
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