Thursday, April 17, 2014


One woman
One dog
One solitary place
One singular path
One song of the wood thrush
One nose sniffing all manner of ick
One and only bloom of columbine flower
One green heron scared up at the pond
One “thinking of you” card in the mailbox
One sessile trillium where none had been before
One song of the ovenbird
One vernal creek barely flowing
One repetitive drill of a sapsucker
One phoebe nest on the shutter
One happy thought of a friend visiting
One bright and streaked prairie warbler
One tick waiting for our breath
One deer carcass
One red-winged blackbird stopping by
One gobble from the hills
One honeysuckle seed, germinated and grown
One tree yanked and strangled by the vine
One patch of planted ephemerals flourishing
One hope that joy and sacrifice meet, and the world is saved.

April 2014

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