Friday, June 06, 2014


As the description states, this blog is a nature journal of when, where and what is happening at the retreat.  In nature, something is always happening!  Just three weeks ago I could see through the woods and last years brown growth on the ground.  Now the trees have leafed out and the ironweed, wingstem, grasses and other herbaceous plants are towering over and filling in any bare spots.  

I've been taking a morning and an evening walk with binocs and my camera each day.  Here are some of the things I encountered this first week in June...captured with the limited camera skills I possess.  One of the exciting things for me was to ID two new plant species for the property.  Again...something is always happening...a seed that has been dormant finally germinates. The wind carries a seed through the air and plants itself in the readied soil.  A bird poops.  However it happens, I'm glad it does.  Enjoy!  And come visit sometime!  

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Venus's Looking Glass...a first!

Common Milkweed starting to bloom

Long-leaved Bluets Houstonia longifolia (I think)

Sneezeweed...another first for Prairie Pond Woods

Box Turtles were on the move this week!  They lay eggs in June in Ohio.

Had to dodge 3 while mowing the Refresher Course

Blue-winged Warbler sings all day here

Yellow-breasted Chat (annoyingly) sings all day here too!

Prairie Warbler


Painted Skimmer

Comet Darner...I honestly don't know how I got this photo.  I have been trying for years to photograph one.  They are so quick and they NEVER stop flying.  At one point I think I just took a shot out of frustration and was shocked when I scrolled through and saw it.  Not the clearest but considering the challenge I'm happy with it.

Mating Damselflies


The Creek at the entrance to the property...and Cyon's swimming hole

Downy Rattlesnake Plantain

Cyon waiting while I try to (unsuccessfully) photograph a Worm-eating Warbler

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